Fascia manipulation and its treatment has exploded in its popularity in recent times. The basic idea behind the concept of fascia is that its a tissue also called as myofascial tissue that causes muscle pain and cellulite when its tight. So the obvious treatment of this kind of pain involves loosening of this tissue through means of massage and pressure. Fascial blasting one such process and is mainly done with the help of a tool called FasciaBlaster.

What is Fascia?

The concept of fascia is fairly new, scientists have yet to come up with an official definition for it. This tissue is made entirely if collagen which is responsible for the form and shape of body.

It facilitates movement and is mainly in control of attaching, stabilizing, enclosing and separating muscles and other internal organs. They are similar to ligaments and tendons, except for the fact that ligaments join one bone to another, tendons join bone with muscle and the fascial tissues surround these muscles.

How does it effect flexibility & mobility?

Initially these fascial tendons were considered passive in their function, that is they weren’t known to cause pain or anything at all. Since the function of it was to maintain friction between muscular force, its stiffening or loosening is what causes some effect. Ligaments, tendons and fascia are together responsible for the overall  muscle flexibility. However, its not possible to stretch ligaments and tendons without causing internal harm. But fascial muscles can be manipulated in order to improve mobility. There are three main types of Fascia,

  1. Superficial fascia, which is mainly connected to the surface of skin.
  2. Deep fascia, which is connected to bones, muscles, nerves and blood vessels.
  3. Visceral fascia, which are connected to the various internal organs.

Pain relief with Fascial manipulation.

If muscle pain reduction along with the improvement in flexibility is your goal then it can be done with the stretching of fascial tissue. Mainly all flexibility training programs make us of this method. Inactivity over long periods or a muscle injury can cause the fascia to become stiff and bind together which prevents smooth movement of muscles and restricts free mobility. It causes the muscles to become stiff and tight that limits its normal range of motion.

Regular stretching and muscle exercises helps maintain the fascia in good working order by preventing them from getting seized up.

However before you start these trainings, its always better to consult a specialist to figure out the actual reason behind the pain and then proceed with its treatment. Some of the most common conditions associated with fascial pain include,

  • myofascial pain syndrome
  • plantar fasciitis
  • fibromyalgia
  • lower back pain